Monday, July 4, 2011

She's a chicken, not a stripper.

After we lost one of the Lizard Twins, we knew we needed to get another chicken, as we were at the four-hen count and that’s not good. As revealed in an earlier post, we like to keep the number uneven. It’s our way of assuring each other we’ll never part – who would get the fifth chicken?

I headed to the Feed Barn to see what they had. We like the Feed Barn because we don’t want to be in the business of raising chicks, and they usually have several chickens at the four or five month stage. A hen that age is bigger, which helps minimize that pecking order problem, and she’ll be laying at about six months. They are always able to tell me the date of birth of the hen, which shows on the receipt along with the breed.

My requirements were specific. I wanted the oldest hen available which was also the heartiest in our extreme summer heat. I told the owner what I was looking for, and he that I was different; most people choose chickens by their looks. I was feeling very brainy. Then he told me that the best chicken for our weather are the Naked Necks. They are named that because they have no feathers on their necks and about 50% fewer feathers overall. They are not pretty. Please don’t have any Naked Necks, please don’t have any Naked Necks. I want a pretty hen. I am not that brainy or different, after all.

He didn’t have any Naked Necks. But he had a very interesting hybrid – a cross between a Rhode Island Red (which is what the Lizard Twin is) and a Barred-Star (these are the beautiful black and white speckled hens, much like the Barred-Rock.) He got her out of the cage and opened her wings and I felt her neck while I told him about Lizard One’s fluid build-up and we discussed possible causes. We talked about the heartiness of hybrid chickens, and then I asked what her breed is. He said a Black Sex Link. Really? When I paid, the receipt said Black Sex Link. Huh.

When I got her home I took a picture of her and sent it to Bill at work. He texted back, what is her breed? I replied, Black Sex Link, and no, it’s not a porn site. He loved it and said I should give her a stripper name, but I didn’t want a chicken named Destiny, Angel or Candy.

We named her Lucky. She is our seventh chicken, and what a lucky girl she is to be out of a cage and padding around on soft grass. She must be happy to be able to stretch her legs. She RUNS the length of the yard. Always applying airline terms, Bill says she’s been cleared to do a fast taxi.

Hensence: The owner told me to keep the new hen away from the others and introduce her to them at night, after the hens are in the coop. We did that and it seemed to help a bit in the pecking order game.

1 comment:

  1. I learn more about chickens from your blog than I do from going up to my sister's ranch and hanging out with the chickens. Either way, it's all good. I love the names of your chickens, too - and the fact that Bill applies airline terms to chicken behavior. Lucky the Black Sex Link...sounds like something out of the casino to me. Great blog!
